Strasbourg l'européenne
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Centre d'Information sur les Institutions Européennes

Centre d'Information sur les Institutions Européennes (CIIE)

  • Accession to the EU: 1973
  • Accession to the Council of Europe: 1949
  • Surface area: 243 305 km2
  • Population: 64,31 million inhabitants (2014)
  • Capital city: London (7,6 Million inhabitants)
  • Official languages: English
  • Listen to English
  • Main religion: Anglicanism
  • Currency: Pound Sterling
  • Political system: Constitutional Monarchy
  • Head of state: King Charles III
  • Head of government: Keir Starmer Prime Minister since 5 July 2024
  • International code: + 44
  • National holiday: June 14 (official anniversary of the queen)
  • The British members of the European Parliament